How to make Alphabet Castanets!


For a complete supply list, please visit Cassidy’s event page.


Alphabet Castanets


STEP 1. Gather supplies


STEP 2. Fold paper plate in half. Do NOT make a hard crease!


STEP 3. Trace shape of castanet around their hand. Cut!


STEP 4. With the plate folded in half, punch 2 holes on either side close to the bottom. These will be used to tie ribbon or elastic loops so it stays on their hands.


STEP 5. begin decorating your plate! we decided to paint.


STEP 6. Pick out buttons and hot glue them to the edges. you want the same amount on both sides.


STEP 7. cut a length of elastic. tie together on the inside of the castanet to form loops. you can adjust them to their hand before you tie.


you’re all done! get clackin!!

To learn how to use your alphabet castanet and Shake Your Sillies with other cool kids, sign up for a class with Ms. Crystal!


**To order a craft pack with all the essential supplies needed, click on image…